In Mass Effect: Andromeda, you're tasked with securing a home for mankind in the Andromeda system while facing the threat of a hostile alien race known as the Kett. But amidst all the firefights and harrowing moments, you can find time for romance with another member of the team.

Each team member in Mass Effect: Andromeda brings a unique personality to the relationship that while it has little bearing in combat can make the main character's personal life fulfilling or very complicated. Here is a ranking of all the romantic options available to the main character and why you should consider pursuing them.

Updated on April 14th, 2022 by Talha Bin Rizwan: Players will have their hands full with finding a new home for the Milky Way species in Mass Effect: Andromeda. Making their jobs difficult are the Kett, a hostile alien race hell-bent on destroying other species and converting them into more Kett. But between all the exploring and fighting Kett, players will have the chance to enjoy some romantic movements with other members of their team. Each romantic partner is unique and bring something different to the table. However, some are better than others.

10/10 Reyes

Reyes is a romantic option for either Scott or Sara and is arguably the worst romantic option in the game, given how unhealthy and destructive his lifestyle can be. The real relationship can only begin after the player allows him to kill Sloane and Reyes takes her place as head of the criminal underground.

Now that the Charlatan has taken control he is the brains behind the smuggling, assassinations, and other shady activities going on in the Kadara port. It's not hard to see why a relationship with a literal criminal kingpin is not a great one to be in.

How To Romance Reyes

In order to romance Reyes, players must simply just choose the flirt option when it pops up after they meet him in "Hunting the Archon". Ryder must complete the quests "Murder in Kadara Port, Divided Loyalties, Precious Cargo and Night Out" and pick the flirt options when they appear. Whether Reyes commits to the players or not, in the end, depends on whether Ryder sides with Sloane Kelly or Reyes.

9/10 Keri

Keri is romanceable by both Scott and Sara. She ranks low because, honestly, there isn't much of a relationship even there. Keri has no problems with the player being in romantic relationships with other characters, which suggests that at the very least she's not interested in anything serious or at worst she's engaged in other relationships of her own.

This relationship mostly consists of casual flirting and the occasional hookup, but little else. There's nothing solid or foundational to build on, it's almost expected that you would pursue something more serious with someone else.

How To Romance Keri

Keri will seem unwilling to start a romance with Ryder while the interviews are ongoing. However, if players keep up their charm, they will eventually get to enjoy a one-time fling with the Asari journalist. Depending on how far Ryder has progressed "Task: Path of a Hero", Keri would be found on the Nexus where players can talk to her and potentially flirt.

8/10 Gil

Gil is a romantic partner exclusive to Scott. At first, Gil would appear to be a solid partner to be involved with as he has a strong value for sincerity and trust. In fact, he makes a point of stating that he's not interested in another relationship unless it's built on absolute trust.

Where things go a little off the rails is when he informs Scott that Jill wants a baby, and he'll be the father, then the three of them will co-parent the child. All in all, it would raise a somewhat complicated situation for everyone involved.

How To Romance Gil

Gil can be romanced as soon as he becomes a crew member aboard The Tempest. Players can find him in the engineering section and can approach him to get the ball rolling. After flirting with him three times and completing the quest "Hunting The Archon", Gil will invite Ryder to Prodromos to have a chat where players can declare their intentions.

7/10 Dr. Suvi

Dr. Suvi will only enter a romantic relationship with Sara. In the beginning, the relationship builds slowly with the doctor seemingly uncomfortable throughout the process. Part of this may be due to the baggage Dr. Suvi has with leaving her home and family, regretting the decision to join the Initiative.

Eventually, the beginnings of a serious relationship can be forged, but it's apparent it'll be rough for quite a while as evidenced by her reluctance to hug Sara in public, stating there are too many people around. It's obvious the relationship is good for Dr. Suvi but it's unclear if the same can be said for Sara.

How To Romance Suvi

Suvi is a safe and easy romance for Sara Ryder that can start as soon as players gain access to The Tempest. She can be found on the bridge opposite Kallo where Sara can talk and flirt with her. Due to her having a mature attitude towards debate, players can choose to disagree with her on certain matters.

6/10 Avela

Avela is a possible romantic interest for Scott. She's a very intelligent young woman and very motivated to uncover the origins of her people the Angara. As the player assists her with her work in finding relics to study, the relationship will begin to grow.

Unfortunately, Avela doesn't believe anything serious can work as they are both far too busy to give romance the attention and dedication it deserves, she's also worried about being a distraction. Ultimately, she calls things off with the promise that when everything is over they can start up again.

How To Romance Avela

Avela is a male Ryder exclusive romance that could be fleshed out in possible sequels. However, in Andromeda, players will only get as far as a fling. Players can get some action after you complete her side quests, however, there won't be any commitment or love scene. Avela does mention, however, that she and Ryder could pursue something once everything is over.

5/10 Vetra

Vetra is a romantic option for both Scott and Sara. She's had a rough life. Growing up in the seedy underbelly of society she's been a smuggler, mercenary, and everything in between to survive and get by. Fortunately, this hasn't corrupted her and she uses her skills and connections to help others.

The relationship is a sweet one as she tries to fit a more traditional mold to please her partner, including burning a steak in an effort to do something special. When the relationship becomes serious she shares her desire to settle down and build a home.

How To Romance Vetra

Vetra is an option available to both Ryders. She's a hardy mercenary but possesses a soft heart underneath the tough exterior. The Turian takes a bit to open up and players will have limited chances to flirt with her before her loyalty mission. You will receive an email after the mission "Hunting The Archon" where you will need to have her in your squad on Kadara. There will be a conversation on the planet during which players will have to make up their minds.

4/10 Jaal

Jaal can be a partner to both Scott and Sara. Jaal is one of the more popular partners among the fanbase and for good reason. He's initially very leery of the player and romance isn't even possible until the two become friends.

Afterward, he slowly opens up and shares his personal life and introduces the player to his family. He admits this is something he's never done before and recognizing this wants to make things serious. After becoming official, the sniper-rifle wielding Angara proves to be a kind and dedicated partner.

How To Romance Jaal

The Angara are not afraid to openly express their emotions, but they might be hesitant to act on them. Jaal's romance will take time, but persistence will yield its rewards. Players must flirt with Jaal by choosing the appropriate dialogue options. They will also need to complete his loyalty mission which consists of several smaller quests. Once that is done, players will eventually receive an email to meet Jaal on Havarl where they can finally seal the deal.

3/10 Pelessaria (Peebee)

Peebee is a romantic option for both Scott and Sara. She is extremely blunt which can get annoying at times, but can also be refreshing as it removes a lot of guesswork that comes with building a relationship. At first, she won't want anything serious, but over time she becomes very invested in the connection.

She has some of the best/worst dialogue thanks to her bluntness and sarcasm. The depth of her love for the player character is stronger than most thanks to her species' unique melding option, which is seen as romantic for some fans and uncomfortable for others.

How To Romance PeeBee

PeeBee is one of the most easily romanced characters in the game. She's reluctant to enter a committed relationship but will not shy away from flirting. Players can flirt with her aboard the Tempest, and after they meet her in her apartment on the Nexus, can enter either a friends-with-benefits arrangement or refuse and develop their relationship into something more serious later. In any case, players will be able to get into a committed relationship with PeeBee later on.

2/10 Liam

Liam is reserved for Sara and makes for a great partner. As a security and response specialist, he can keep a cool head in combat, but boy howdy is he a mess when it comes to dating. If you're patient, though, he's revealed to be a caring and compassionate person who struggles to convey his emotions well.

His dates make for some of the most quirky moments, and he has some of the best dialogue. His dreams of turning Andromeda into a peaceful home for everyone makes him ambitious and caring. The heart in the sky during the free fall wasn't a bad touch either, even if it is incredibly cheesy.

How To Romance Liam

Liam is somewhat of a "default" romance option for Sara Ryder. He requires players to be fully committed to him for the romance to work, but players can engage in some light flirting right until they get to his loyalty mission. Once the dust settles on that, he'll ask players to meet him on Prodromos where they can lock things in or let him down gently.

1/10 Cora

Reserved exclusively for Scott, Cora is easily the best romantic interest to pursue in the game. Initially, the relationship is rocky as she believes she should have become the next Pathfinder instead of Scott, but over time, her animosity mellows into something wonderful.

On the outside, she's a ferocious and very talented fighter who makes a capable companion in combat, but underneath she's a tender soul who wants a home with a rose garden and someone to explore the starts with. She's someone who wants to explore and have adventures with the one she loves while she can but isn't opposed to settling down and having a normal life at some point.

How To Romance Cora

The path to Cora's heart is a long one but one that holds many rewards. To romance her, players will need to flirt with her regularly at every chance they get until her loyalty mission unlocks. This is a muti-part quest that concludes with Ryder finding the lost Asari ark. To lock her in, players must complete the mission, debrief, leave the ship and then return for a heart-to-heart conversation with her. If done correctly, players will have succeeded in romancing Cora.

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